Bouncing – not as babyish as it sounds…

Bouncing – not as babyish as it sounds… …and  often a lot more effective than drugs   The room was full of adults bouncing, jammed together in a space that was too small, all of them trying hard not to bounce into each other. On that...

Out in the Backcountry—Post Traumatic Stress

Out in the Backcountry—Post Traumatic Stress At the moment I am again in the disconcerting backcountry of PTS. I know this place. The terrain is ugly, but it is also familiar. I can predict where most of the attacks are likely to come from, and what is...

Autonomy and Control—and our human need for both

Autonomy and Control—and our human need for both It’s interesting thinking about autonomy, sitting here now, in Kashmir, the whole valley curfewed, everyone confined, shut in, locked down. And it was another version of interesting when flying out of the...