1) Windfire Yoga, Can Am, Ibiza

Om – set at the end of a donkey track. The house is half an hour’s walk through fields and villages to the wild cliffs and beaches of the quiet north of rave, disco-biscuit island. It is built on the model of a traditional farmhouse. Bedrooms are shared and of the faintly dormitory variety. There are teepees for those who want to take to the wilds. Yoga – purist school of Ashtanga Yoga, the yoga of eight limbs, very nice limbs if the polished bodies of Madonna and Geri Halliwell are anything to go by, the real limbs being: yama-ethical discipline, niyama-self-observation, asana-postures, pranayama-breathing, pratyahara-withdrawal of the senses,dharana-concentration, dhyana-meditation, samadhi-the state of joy and peace. Guru – Godfrey Devereux, one of the leading Ashtanga teachers and practitioners around, set up Can Am in 1996. He is a teacher who pushes you right to the edge until you teeter. Rhythm – each day follows a fairly strict yogic regime of asana (posture) practice, brunch, karma yoga (stick-gathering, bathroom cleaning for the greater good), some free time, more asanas, supper and a chat from Godfrey or meditation. Ambrosia – macrobiotic diet based on brown rice and using as much local produce as possible. Can Am has a very interesting house brew of twig tea. Elixirs – walking among the sabina trees and burying your head in Ibithencan rosemary bushes when another bowl of brown rice is just too much. Nirvana factor – yes, thighs you dreamt about after a week of downward-facing dog, seriously cleaned out body, soul and bowels. This is a serious retreat for those in search of a place to withdraw. Filthy lucre – holidays start at £200 a week including accommodation, food and yoga. For reservations contact: or tel: 00 34 971 187 996

2) Sivananda Yoga Retreat, Nassau, Bahamas

Om – island setting with all the fun of the sun and the sea. The main house is built with a balance of indoor and outdoor rooms. It is simple but comfortable, with communal eating and shared or single rooms. Children are very welcome and are half rate up the age of 12. Be warned that your children will always be better and bendier than you. Yoga – Sivananda, a softer physical style than the sweatier schools of Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Bikram. Guru – Swami Sivananda who started the movement in the 1920s, so around in spirit though not in person. There are latter-day swamis who run the 87 Sivananda ashrams and centres around the world. Rhythm – it is run as an ashram based on the five Sivananda principals of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing),dhyana (meditation), karma yoga (more stick gathering) and diet. It is relaxed but all visitors are requested to attend all asana and meditation practices. Ambrosia – based on the South Indian Ayurvedic diet of using local vegetarian produce and eating it calmly and quietly at body temperature. A lot tastier than it sounds and eating without chitter chatter becomes strangely enjoyable, you realise how much taste you miss through chat. Elixirs – well, you’re in the Bahamas. Nirvana factor – return cleansed at every level though in less whipcord thigh fashion than CanAm. Filthy lucre – standard rate $89 a day including food, single accommodation, all yoga and workshops. Information and booking: email: