So, what about…

So, what about… This comes as Part II of the previous post ‘Disaster’. It is about what happens next So, what about… …when the rescue teams begin to pull out, and the emergency aid drops of food and medicine slow down? There is an...


Disaster This may not seem to be about staying sane, but it is because… …there is a moving and powerful human response to disaster – the need to do something. And there is an equally poignant reaction – to freeze, and to be overwhelmed by what has...

Somewhere between All or Nothing

Somewhere between All or Nothing This is for anyone who has ever thought of themselves as an ‘All or Nothing’ person. Sometimes it’s the instant hit version, shovelling down an entire bucket of double chocolate fudgie-goopey ice-cream and then...

Part II – Disarming the F*** it Switch

Part II – Disarming the F*** it Switch This is the second instalment of the saga of the F*** it Switch. Part I is here, fully fleshed out, or in short: we all have an internal F*** it Switch that can be triggered by a whole range of things, from a teeny spoonful...

The F*** It Switch

The F*** It Switch This one can mess up just about everything in a split second. It’s the inner switch that flips when you do something you know you shouldn’t, and it particularly likes to trip at the worst possible moment, with a penchant for destroying...